Cheatsheet for

Teaching the First Day of School

It's highly likely that your college experience did not teach you how to plan for your first day of school as a teacher. This guide will do just that!

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    I was clueless about what to teach on the first day of school. I wish I would have had a guide like this to help me when I was a first year teacher.

    Jordan Jones


    What you get:

    In this 11-page guide, you will find a cheat sheet full of proven strategies to create a successful first day of school. Follow my 3 simple steps to have your first day of school outlined in no time!

    What is it all about?

    The success of your first day of school will determine your entire school year. This seems like an awful lot of pressure for a first-year teacher when you weren't ever taught what to do on the first day of school in college, doesn't it? It is! That is why I created this guide.

    I've had some help along the way and mastered the first day of school. I'm here to teach you what I have learned so you do not have to feel like I did as a first-year teacher.